Holy Grail: Black Opal Invisible Oil Blocking Powder

You guys know that I'm the oiliest person you'll ever meet and I'm always on the market for products that do what they claim.

I've tried a lot of things and I have my go-tos that work but I can't help but search for more. The Black Opal Oil Blocking Powder was a gamble when I first got it years ago. I had made a haul off the official website for oil-blocking products.

The serums et al didn't do as much for me as this powder did. This is why it's one of my Holy Grail items.

The product comes either pressed or loose. I have only tried the loose and I have only had to repurchase twice in about 8 years. That means it lasts a really looong time.

The shade looks coloured but it actually applies translucent. I use this for everything...believe me. It actually works too. (The Black Opal foundations and concealers are known for their great coverage, greasiness and transferability.)

Again, I say unto you, I have tried a whole lot of setting and oil blocking powders- both high-end and low-end. And this product remains infallible and irreplaceable to me.

A lot of similar products fail for me after about two or three hours but this one, while it ultimately breaks down, it does so much later after about five or six hours.

Some time ago,  I accidentally purchased Black Opal's Deluxe Finishing Powder thinking it was the Invisible Oil Blocking Powder.

It didn't take me two hours to discover that that was a mistake. The Finishing Powder is not translucent, it's in fact very pigmented- enough to change your entire makeup look. I don't particularly like it. (Any of you guys want it?)

The Finishing Powder doesn't block oil either. As a matter of fact, it loves creating oil slicks on your cheeks (ew).

Ultimately, the Black Opal Invisible Oil Blocking Powder is indispensable to me, bar none.
